"Intentionally or not, in recent times this public park has been in effect 'privatised' by a number of people whose anti-social behaviour stops other people from enjoying this public space.
"We want to redesign the park to make it more open, and less able to be 'captured' by large groups, and to make it more attractive and more accessible to individual members of the public, couples or people in small groups," Mayor Prendergast said.
City Council Urban Designer Peter Kundycki proposed that the park be 'opened out' and made more visible from both Ghuznee and Garrett Streets. He says the park, opened in 1971, is "inwardly-focussed, dated and has an almost sombre feel about it". The Council worked with neighbouring building owners on proposals to increase activity in the park, says Mr Kundycki. "Some of the neighbours would like their buildings to more obviously link with the park - to give the area more buzz."
Also have a look at Tom Beard's excellent Commentary on his WellUrban site. Find it on the map
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