here are the "apple sauce" makers ... Robert Stam and Gill Munro.
They arrived in the Bay of Plenty in the early days of January, 1991. After a total of ten years abroad, travelling and working in Europe, Africa, and Asia, they were looking for a place to settle down. The Bay of Plenty, with it's relaxed lifestyle, unspoiled beaches, mountains, and mild climate, turned out to be an ideal choice.
It was while making an apple liqueur that the apple syrup was accidentally created. Robert needed a concentrated apple juice to add to the pure apple spirit, and so began simmering apple juice to reduce the water content. During the process of gently heating the juice, there was regular tasting by anyone passing through the kitchen. It soon became apparent that the apple syrup was far more popular than the liqueur it was destined for. The rest as they say, is history.
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