Saturday, August 13, 2011

#1543 ... Reptile .... Lobster ... ????

Already nick named as the "lobster loos"
on Wellington's waterfront ...they have already attracted international attention but the locals are asking for a less offensive moniker to be used.

The public toilets on Queens Wharf opened yesterday after three years of design, planning and debating over the NZ$375,000 price tag.

They are the latest addition to the capital's quirky lavatories, which include the Evans Bay Parade boat sheds at Balaena Bay and the Te Aro Park mural toilets in Courtenay Place. Wellington Waterfront chief executive Ian Pike is encouraging people to use the official name, designer dunnies, rather than lobster loos.

"It was a name that came out fairly early on in the piece but, we're moving away from it because there's some cultural sensitivity. "Food and toilets actually don't go well in Maoridom ... we had some feedback from the local iwi that indicated that wasn't a good reference."

Armadillo, crayfish and anteater have been touted as alternative names, but lobster loos seems to be the favourite for architect Bret Thurston's winning design, chosen from 28 entries. It is hoped the two concrete tentacles shrouded in orange steel, with a disabled access unisex toilet in each, will attract tourists and raise the city's profile.

"The brief for the toilets called for designers to be creative, practical, and for the structure to take on a sculptural form that will be locally and nationally recognised," Mr Pike said.


Stefan Jansson said...

weird. but if you have to go you have to go!

Craig said...

I rather like them and I applaud Wellington for being a bit different with regard to toilet art.