The bright white blob on the horizon to the right of the island is the Interislander ferry on its way to Picton ( double click on the image to open it up for a better view) ... and on the skyline in the haze,to the centre right you will just be able to pick out two of the higher mountains at the top of the South Island.
The image is deliberately not zoomed ... so that you can see the foreshore and demonstrate that you can in fact see the South Island when standing on the South coast of Wellington.
One can see the ferry quite clearly on the enlarged version. Lovely colours!
I live and work in Hollywood, CA but I absolutely love NZ after touring both islands in '06.
This photo is the best of both worlds for me, with North and the South Islands together. It's my screensaver at both work and home.
I love the dailyphoto sites from around New Zealand and they bring me great pleasure to view each day. Thanks for all you do.
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