This will create one of those "oh schrott" moments when the owner returns to get the car from the carpark ... obviously they either didn't pay or the time ran out or they forgot to display the ticket ... so suddenly $10 parking turns into a $20 taxi ride to the towage warehouse and $180 to get your car back .... you might ask how I know all this ... well last month my car was towed when the parking ticket blew off the dashboard into the passengers footwell ... I had left my window open a couple of centimetres cause it was a hot day .... BUGGER !!!
Ouch, that is an unfortunate experience. Sorry for yours and this owner.
Oh merde, you forgot your theme day post!
Yes, being towed is traumatic. Worse than being boated it think.
I thought we were doing a theme day today...
your right .. I suffered from four yearly brain fade .. see the next posting .. cheers
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