Wellington - the "world's best little capital city" of a little country somewhere in the South Pacific. A city of 400,000+ diverse and interesting people.
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
#721 ... Quiet Celebration
Well sorry about no postin yesterday .. but after two years I had a night off and enjoyed a great piece of NZ beef matched with a delightful red wine from the Hawkes Bay region ... YES my contributiuon to the Wellington Daily Photo achieved its 2 year anniversary ... AND the most important aspect is to recognise all the followers and amazing people from around the world who pass by and leave comments ... you all make my day .. after day ... after day !!! ciao Jeremy
> you all make my day .. after day ... after day !!!
And you ours! It's always a delight to start the day with a quick peek at what's going on at the other side of the world. Always different, always informative and always interesting! Thanks for all the smiles you've given me over the past year.
> you all make my day .. after day ... after day !!!
And you ours! It's always a delight to start the day with a quick peek at what's going on at the other side of the world. Always different, always informative and always interesting! Thanks for all the smiles you've given me over the past year.
PJ, York - UK
Congratulations! You've done a great job and still have, I hope, even more to do!
Homesick Wellingtonian here who visits your site every morning. Keep it up!
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