Looking east towards Khandallah and the Orongorongo Hills in the distance beneath the unreal looking cotton wool clouds. Normally in Wellington our clouds are somewhat more wind driven than this.
Again you get a good impression of the hilly nature of parts of Wellington with houses perched on the hillsides interspersed with lots of "green"
The long belt of macracarpa trees in the right foreground are on the edge of Nairnville Park .. which is one of the city's sports grounds .. for cricket, soccer, rugby .. and many of the local school kids have begun their sporting careers here.
Pretty cool picture Jeremy.
I'm showing my best ever picture of Marsden Rock tomorrow.
South Shields Daily Photo
thats a nice view. i love house on the hilltops.
how close is your place to Fox St ??
I use to flat in fox street back in the 80's (showing my age now)
McGoffs Sydney Daily Photo
Keith .. I live in Karamu St off chelmsford, off Rothsey, off Awarua street .. look across to fox street ciao Jeremy
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